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Absences Information

If children are absent for any reason, parents are asked to notify the school office by 8.50am, via the form below or submitting an absence on the Hero App. If your child is absent and we receive no notification, the school will ring you for verification. Students leaving the school grounds during the school day will need to sign out at the office where the parents/caregivers will meet them.

Regular attendance at school is very important. For your children to gain the most benefit from their time at school, they need to attend regularly. If a child attends for less than 90% of each term we will contact parents to discuss the reasons for this. If non-attendance is ongoing then outside agencies will become involved.

For Absences, please fill in the absences form on this page or submit an absence via the Hero App.

Absences Form

Please fill in the form below. If you have more than one child who is going to be absent, please fill in details for each child.

    Number of absent children

    Child details

    2nd Child details

    3rd Child details

    4th Child details

    5th Child details

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