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25th July 2024

Welcome back to Term 3. We hope the students had an enjoyable break and a…

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27th June 2024

MATARIKI WHĀNAU OPEN AFTERNOON: It was lovely to see so many of our school whānau…

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13th June 2024

Individual/Sibling photos have now been taken. Photolife have today emailed parents/caregivers a 'shoot key' so…

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30th May 2024

There has been another surge in Covid cases in our community. We ask that you…

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16th May 2024

On Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June, Photolife will be taking Individual and Sibling Photos...

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2nd May 2024

Many thanks to all our whānau who came along to our Whānau Hui on Wednesday…

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4th April 2024

On Wednesday 10th April from 6.00 - 7.30pm we are holding a Whānau Hui at…

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21st March 2024

Thank you to all those parents and caregivers who came along last Thursday to the…

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8th March 2024

There will be Goal Setting Meetings on Thursday 14th March from 1:10pm to 7:20pm. School…

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8th February 2024

Welcome to all the whānau and children who are new to our school in 2024...

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