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21st June 2018

COMMUNITY SURVEY REMINDER: Last week we sent an email to our school community requesting participation in a survey regarding what values and learning attributes are important to our families, in order to assist us in reviewing our school’s vision, values…

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7th June 2018

CONGRATULATIONS: A very special congratulations to our specialist Music Teacher Marian Sinclair (Burns), who was awarded an MNZM (member of the New Zealand Order of Merit) for services to music on Queens Birthday Weekend. Mrs Sinclair has worked as a teacher, musician,…

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24th May 2018

This week the Year 2 classes were lucky to visit the Tip Top Factory, as part of their learning focus this term ‘Change Happens’. The children saw how our milk changes into ice cream, learnt that the freezer at the factory is…

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22nd March 2018

Last Friday 16th March we held our Senior School Athletics. The weather was great. It was a day full of healthy competition, and it was neat to see the school spirit and support for each other that the children showed.…

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8th March 2018

Keep Thursday 22nd March free for a get together with children, parents and teachers to look at some initial learning goals for 2018. Have a chat at home about what a good goal might be (maybe look at last year’s…

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8th February 2018

I hope that the holidays were relaxing and enjoyable family times for you all, during our summer of fantastic weather. It is great to see all the children’s smiling faces back at school, and hearing about the things they have…

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