6th March 2020
GOAL SETTING MEETINGS: THURSDAY 26TH MARCH Keep Thursday 26th March free for a get together with your child and teacher to look at some learning goals for the year ahead.....
GOAL SETTING MEETINGS: THURSDAY 26TH MARCH Keep Thursday 26th March free for a get together with your child and teacher to look at some learning goals for the year ahead.....
MEET THE TEACHER AFTERNOON We recently held two successful afternoons where parents were invited to come along and meet their child's class teacher....
WELCOME TO THE 2020 SCHOOL YEAR I hope that the holidays were relaxing and enjoyable family times for you all, during our summer of fantastic weather....
APPA MUSIC FESTIVAL Last night on Wednesday 27th November in the Town Hall, we participated in the APPA Music Festival, with our school choir forming part of a larger combined schools choir of over 400 students......
GUEST SPEAKER - DAVID CURTIS. Thank you to our guest speaker David Curtis from Activ8, who spoke to parents last night in the staffroom......
Welcome back to Term 4, I hope you all had a nice break over the holiday. We are looking forward to a busy but exciting term ahead with many trips and experiences for our students across the school.
SCHOOL PRODUCTION - A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS Production this year was undoubtedly the biggest and best show Marina View has ever performed!
SCHOOL PRODUCTION - A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS There are limited tickets available for the evening performance next Thursday 19th September, which can be purchased at the office. As per communication sent out the matinee session has been cancelled due…
ROAD CROSSING SAFETY: Please remind your children to use the patrolled crossing morning and afternoon. If the crossing is not patrolled, please remind your children to stop and check for cars before crossing.
STUDENT LED CONFERENCES Thank you to all families who attended the Student Led Conferences last week. If you were unable to make these meetings, please contact your child's teacher to arrange a time to get together.