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8th November 2018

MVTV & S.T.E.A.M VISITORS: On Tuesday 6th November we had some Australian visitors from Cairns, North Queensland, who came to look at MVTV and the STEAM programme we have running at school with four teachers (Mr Gover, Mrs Sutton, Mrs…

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25th October 2018

WELCOME BACK TO TERM 4: Welcome back everyone, I hope you had a great break over the holidays.  We have another exciting and busy term ahead. Welcome, also to new pupils and their families, who have started at Marina View…

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30th August 2018

AUCKLAND MATHEX COMPETITION: On Thursday 23rd August, four Mathex Teams took part in the Auckland Mathex Competition, held at ASB Stadium in Kohimarama. Here is a summary of the evening written by some of Mathex students:

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16th August 2018

STUDENT LED CONFERENCES: Thank you to all families who attended the Student Led Conferences on Thursday 2nd August. If you were unable to make these meetings, please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a time to get together.

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5th July 2018

STUDENT LED CONFERENCES: Student led conferences are taking place on Thursday 2nd August 2018 from 1pm to 8pm. SCHOOL WILL CLOSE AT 12.30PM ON THIS DAY, and children will need to be picked up at this time, so that the…

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21st June 2018

COMMUNITY SURVEY REMINDER: Last week we sent an email to our school community requesting participation in a survey regarding what values and learning attributes are important to our families, in order to assist us in reviewing our school’s vision, values…

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7th June 2018

CONGRATULATIONS: A very special congratulations to our specialist Music Teacher Marian Sinclair (Burns), who was awarded an MNZM (member of the New Zealand Order of Merit) for services to music on Queens Birthday Weekend. Mrs Sinclair has worked as a teacher, musician,…

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